Humid air


Presentation of the calculator

This calculator allows you to make calculations on humid air, as well as to place the representative point of humid air in the psychrometric diagram.

You can calculate the properties of humid air by knowing:

  • its absolute humidity (w) and temperature
  • its relative humidity (hr) and temperature
  • its temperature and adiabatic saturation temperature
  • its absolute humidity (w) and its enthalpy

The calculator will provide the following properties:

  • absolute humidity, relative humidity
  • dew point temperature
  • adiabatic saturation temperature
  • enthalpy (in J/kg of dry air)
  • density (in kg/m3 of gas mixture)


  • always provide the temperatures in °C (and not in K). Only temperatures between 0°C and 374°C (range of existence of liquid water) are valid for the program
  • the representative point of humid air will only be plotted if its coordinates fall within the limits of the diagram (0 to 50°C in temperature, 0 to 30g of water vapor per kg of dry air in absolute humidity) but the properties will be calculated even outside this range
  • relative humidity must be a number between 0 and 1 (indicate 0.5 instead of 50%)
  • the adiabatic saturation temperature must be lower than the temperature
Pedagogical contact Jacques Schwartzentruber Jacques.Schwartzentruber
Technical contact Fabien Baillon Fabien.Baillon


From the online course "Thermodynamic."

  • simulation
  • scilab
  • xml
  • thermodynamic